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Easy to observe in nature

The mammals of the forest

Those of you who walk calmly and attentively through the forest have the chance to observe larger, diurnal forest dwellers. Sounds and noises tell you in which direction to look. Even if the animals run away, they will soon stop and check whether there really is any danger.

Animals in the forest

A roebuck with two female roe deer, secure in a meadow.
A young boar (a squeaker) learns to find food from its mother.
A fox roams the area in search of mice.
Squirrels love nuts, beech nuts, and acorns.
Everything is related to everything
All living beings are linked together in communities. If individual members are missing, the network becomes looser or falls apart. For us humans it is important to strengthen this network and to protect biodiversity, because we are also part of it. A simple food chain shows the connections in the nature network:
The beech tree produces beech nuts. Squirrels, mice, and wild boars eat beech nuts. The common buzzard eats the mouse, the marten the squirrel. And we like to eat roast wild boar.
Eyes and ears open! It is not difficult to observe animals in the forest. However, they don’t like noise. But, those of you who are quiet and have a little patience will be rewarded. Give it a try! There are traces everywhere. With binoculars and a seat cushion, watching is much more fun. Sometimes you can even smell the animals – especially wild boars.
You can often find the tracks of forest animals.But also places where they ate or used as a toilet.

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